Variable houses studios for artists, designer, techno-inventors, data-activists, cyber feminists, interactive-geeks, textile-hackers, video-makers, sound-lovers, beat-makers and other digital creators who are interested in using Free Libre Open Source Software for their creative experiments. That's why the full name of the house is: Variable F/LOSS Arts Lab

The house is used by a loosely connected group of people that work in four collective experimental studios: Open Sound Lab, Libre Video Lab, Open Hardware Studio, Open Source Publishing. They all have
their own blog, wiki, and or communication channels.

You are very welcome to join the informal drink + show and tell 'Loop' that we organise every first thursday of the month, between 17h00 and 19h00.

Variable is a project initiated by Constant, a Brussels based association for Art and Media.

The public activities are announced through the website of Constant. Check the calendar or look at the articles in the Variable section.

The building in which we work is the property of the Vlaamse GemeenschapsCommissie. We can use the house between summer 2011 and summer 2014.

A click below takes you to the wiki that we use for to organise our activities. Feel free to roam around. []

Hereby a great thanks to the VGC Supported by Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie van het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest De Vlaamse Overheid,

Free Libre Open-source Software Arts-lab