
Constant gives budget of EUR 1000 for house Decision: We will make decisions at group meetings:

(keys should arrive in first week september)

Meeting in September to talk about procedural points. Date to be determined Agenda: (add your points)

FOR THE BUDGET FILE: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-15016268

Money spent[edit]

    156,56€ rent van

    5,89 + 9,65€=15,54€ (mirror & adhesive studio)

    83,89€ Ikea

    98,99€ vacuum cleaner

    5,36€ small Blokker kitchen stuff (spunges etc)

    97.67 insurance

    44.15 insurance

    163.64 of keys (for the house in general)

                                                                                                                   temporary total 671.80€    
1000 -  671.80€ = 328.20                
not a whole lot..
Last modification 17 October 2011.